about me
Angelika Huber
Gereonswall 24
50668 Köln
Telefon: 0221-8696852
e-Mail: huberangelika(at)
Inhaltlich verantwortlich gemäß §6 MDStV ist Angelika Huber.
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Das Kopieren, Verwenden sowie die Verbreitung von Inhalten und Abbildungen ist nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung gestattet.
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Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Lead Actor
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Dancer
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Chorus Member
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Lead Actor
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Understudy
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Supporting Actor
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Lead Actor
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Supporting Actor
Production Company | Project Name | 2023 | Extra
Training & Workshops
Institution | Workshop Name | Instructor
Institution | Workshop Name | Instructor
Institution | Workshop Name | Instructor
Special Skills
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